Love them or hate them, banner ads are a huge part of the internet. They’ve been around for almost two decades, can you believe it?

Banner ads are a valuable tool that the websites you love can use to stay alive. But it could also be a way for you to monetize your own platforms.

So if you’re looking to get started with display advertising and Google ads, or you’re thinking of ways to increase the reach of your digital marketing efforts, this guide will help you chose the right banner ad sizes.

Web (in pixels)

300×250      Medium rectangle

728×90         Leaderboard

160×600      Wide skyscraper

300×600     Half page

970×250      Billboard

336×280      Large rectangle

468×60        Banner

234×60        Half banner

120×600       Skyscraper

120×240       Vertical banner

300×1050    Portrait

970×90        Large leaderboard

250×250       Square

200×200      Small square

180×150        Small rectangle

125×125         Button

Mobile (in pixels)

320×50         Mobile Leaderboard

320×320      Mobile Full Page Flex

320×100       Large Mobile Banner

250×250       Square

200×200      Small Square

Wow. There are a lot of options to choose from. The Interactive Advertising Bureau created all these standard banner sizes to ensure that all ad sizes will work across any advertising network.

It comes as no surprise that the most important thing to consider when creating ad banners is choosing the right size. This decision can have a major effect on how your ad will perform, heavily impacting CTA, CTR, or any other indicators important to you.

Luckily, we have figures to rely on. Data pulled from 4.8 billion ad impressions on millions of sites tells us which web banner sizes are the most effective way to advertise. In fact, 89% of all ad impressions are brought by just four types of ads.

Let’s dive into these different banner sizes right now.

Mobile leaderboard 320 × 50

  • Recommended Mobile Leaderboard image size: 320×50
  • Recommended file format: HTML5 Banner
  • Maximum recommended file size: 100 kb (including HTML, Javascript, CSS, and all images or gifs)
  • Recommended DPI: 72
  • Global usage: 12%

Mobile has surpassed desktop as the main device used for browsing, delivering 55% of all internet traffic in 2020. One of the great parts about mobile ads is that they can be displayed both when you’re browsing the web but also directly in apps. Which makes for more exposure.

This format is displayed at the bottom of apps of or web pages and it looks like this:

To get the most out of a Mobile Leaderboard ad, make sure you have concise ad copy and a simple, clear graphic. This way you can get your message across by using the least amount of screen real estate.

Medium rectangle ad 300 x 250

  • Recommended Mobile Leaderboard image size: 300 × 250
  • Recommended file format: HTML5 Banner
  • Maximum recommended file size: 150 kb (including HTML, Javascript, CSS and all images or gifs)
  • Recommended DPI: 72
  • Global usage: 40%

No ad campaign is truly complete without the Medium Rectangle Ad. This standard-sized banner represents 40% of the global inventory of ads. If you’re beginning to build your ad inventory, this is a great place to start.

The reason it’s so popular is that it’s not as invasive as other ads, yet it’s visible enough; plus, it works well on both mobile and desktop. This one is truly the goldilocks of ads.

This banner is often embedded into content articles and can integrate very easily into your website design. Here are just a few great examples:

On mobile devices, this ad format acts as a page break, and if well designed, it will integrate seamlessly into the content, creating a natural addition to the website. Hence the reason why users don’t find it so intrusive.

Because of its unique characteristics, the Medium Rectangle Ad is a great way to convey your message with enough space for a small sentence, a logo, or a very compelling image. It's the easiest ad format in your arsenal to convert into a high-performing advertising campaign.

Leaderboard banner 728 x 90

  • Recommended Mobile Leaderboard image size: 728 × 90
  • Recommended file format: HTML5 Banner
  • Maximum recommended file size: 150 kb (including HTML, Javascript, CSS and all images or gifs)
  • Recommended DPI: 72
  • Global usage: 25 %

Also known as the horizontal banner, the Leaderboard Banner is the second most common ad size out there.

It gets this name because it’s usually displayed noticeably at the top of a webpage. This area is also known as “above the fold”. Anything placed here is bound to attract more attention. And if it's on the home page, even better.

Combined with its size, the Leaderboard Banner can be a winning combination when trying to get your message in front of as many people as possible. It comes at a price too, of course.

Wide skyscraper 160×600

  • Recommended Mobile Leaderboard image size: 160 × 600
  • Recommended file format: HTML5 Banner
  • Maximum recommended file size: 150 kb (including HTML, Javascript, CSS and all images or gifs)
  • Recommended DPI: 72
  • Global usage: 12 %

Also called the Standing Banner, the Wide Skyscraper (as the name suggests) serves the same purpose as its narrower cousin - the Skyscraper - but it’s bigger, more visible, and offers a high impact on the page visitors. Not surprisingly, this format represents 12% of all banners worldwide.

It’s usually designed along with sidebars on websites and converts well as text ads, image ads, or a combination of both.

Don’t be so easy to overlook the “regular” Skyscraper ad whose size is 120 x 600 pixels. While that sounds less appealing, this type of ad is great for websites that cannot accommodate the Wider Skyscraper.

As mobile has overtaken desktop among device users, the Skyscrapers are becoming less and less relevant. But it’s great to keep this one in your pocket if your users particularly love browsing on desktop or even tablet.

Why use web banners?

Okay, so you’ve got a beautifully designed banner on your website. People see it, they love it! But how does that convert into profit?

The primary function of your banner is not to get seen. But to get clicked on; leading users to another platform where they could potentially make a purchase.

Here are the main reasons marketers invest in banner ads:

If your banner is tempting enough, people will click on it. So make sure to use attractive fonts and vibrant colors that will make people take the leap. But also make sure to stay true to your own brand, of course, and also respect some very basic design principles and guidelines set by the network running the ad.

This works especially well if you advertise your product on a website that is part of the same market. So if you are selling baby clothes, make sure you advertise on parenting blogs. Pretty logical.

Have we gotten your advertising juices flowing? Then make use of our ad templates if you want to take your display ads to the next level. It’s the simplest way to get started!

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